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Everyone yearns a Healthy relationship

This is what life is really all about...healthy relationships. I don't mean with just your significant other but all of your relationships. This makes the world go round. 

Let's look at the main one...with your spouse.

I met lots of Mr. Wrongs in my lifetime before I finally found Mr. Right. We dated for about a year and had a very healthy relationship before we exchanged vows. Now, we've been married for 10 years and though there have been some struggling times, we maintain a healthy relationship.

There have been moments that I would have liked to have left him and run away from home, but with the proper communication and respect for one another, we remain as strong as we did on our wedding day.

Many people don't understand what a healthy relationship is all about.

Some of those people who are confused may not have experienced a healthy relationship between their own parents or in their households while growing up. People mimic what they know. If their parents used to fight constantly and abused one another, they may think that is normal. When in fact, we know that is not a healthy relationship.

When you know that your partner makes you smile and feel good about yourself, you have a healthy relationship.

Trust is key to being strong and healthy. If you cannot trust one another, you cannot have a healthy relationship. In fact, trust is one of the foundations for a relationship. There are moments of jealousy and doubt, but that does not mean that you don't have trust. Sometimes, when trust is broken, it cannot be repaired no matter what lengths a couple goes to.

Communication is also a key to having a healthy relationship.

If you cannot be completely comfortable talking to your partner about your hopes and dreams, your fears and worries, then you may need to evaluate your situation. Is it actually a healthy relationship? Partners should be able to communicate freely and openly and feel very safe about doing so. Unfortunately, I've seen so many relationships that have lacked this particular element and not lasted very long as all. Having a healthy relationship affects more than just the partners. It can affect those around you as well.

If you have children, they will grow up looking at their parents for guidance to what a healthy relationship looks like. If the relationship is healthy, then people want to be around you. If there is negativity and discontentment, people tend to avoid you.

A healthy relationship makes everyone feel good and can overcome some powerful obstacles. I have had moments in which I have felt that the entire world is falling down around me. Because of my relationship I had from my husband I was able to survive it.

The support and guidance you can receive through a wonderful and caring relationship is truly a gift from above.

Everything can be put into perspective by this kind of supportive relationship.

I wholeheartedly recommend it!

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