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Here is the best of all beauty secrets

Wouldn't you like to have access to all the beauty secrets that this world has to offer?  Everyone can get them and they are free.  Read this and you will always know where there at.

One of my aunts has always had beautiful skin. She is very pretty in general and dresses well and has great manners. She is one of those people that you want to spend time with.

I remember as a little girl I would always want to sit by her a family gatherings because she had a way of making you feel good about yourself. My mom always said that this aunt had many beauty secrets that she used to keep her skin looking so nice.

One day I asked my mom if she knew any of the beauty secrets that my aunt had. She told me that I would have to ask my aunt.

One Sunday afternoon when I was about thirteen years old we were visiting with this aunt. I had some acne on my chin and forehead. I asked my aunt if she had any beauty secrets that could help me with my complexion. She laughed and took me in her bedroom and showed me that she washed her face very well every morning and evening with soap and water. Then she would put on face cream. She said that her main beauty secrets were to always keep your skin clean and to have your best smile on your face when you put on your make up each morning. As a thirteen year old I thought this was silly.

This aunt continues to be my favorite. She is getting quite elderly now, but she still has very nice skin and people still enjoy spending time with her. There are many times when I am putting on my make up in the morning that I remember her comment about having your best smile on when you are getting made up for the day.

It took me several years to realize that she is right. Her beauty secrets are being friendly, smiling at everyone and truly listening to others when they are talking. Her beauty comes from within. She genuinely likes people and cares about each person that she is talking to. This is why it is so pleasant to be around her. The glow to her complexion comes from her inner spirit, not some beauty secrets that you can buy in the store.

When I look at fashion magazines or see advertisements on television about different skin care products or make ups I am rarely convinced to purchase anything. I think the main reason is the lack of personality, warmth or caring that the models portray. My aunt is not beautiful by most standards, but I think she would be able to sell beauty secrets to anyone by her winning personality.

And this kind of beauty never grows old!

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