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Are these the best Advice for Women

There seems to be advice for women every where you go.  Every store (pharmacy and even dollar stores) these days seem to have a number of sources that can provide advice for women on everything from dating, health, children, work and relationships.

There are columns, books, magazines, televisions shows, Internet sites and circles of friends that can help a woman make important choices in her daily life. 

But do these provide the best and proper advice that should be given; especially to teenagers? 

Let's look at some of these sources more closely. 

Magazines have long been a bastion of culture, fashion and advice for women over the last century. Over time, magazines have found particular niches catering to the working woman, the child-rearing woman, the young woman or the fashion-conscious woman. Columnists are hired to supply Q & A columns, giving the most common problems and solutions for women of that particular group. These magazines also provide lengthy articles that give advice for women in more detail, often with case studies that highlight the nature of the issue.

In the nineties, talk shows gained in popularity, and there are quite a few that are still going strong. Some of the more lasting ones are centred on providing advice for women through testimonials by regular women or professionals in the field that have been selected for discussion. A lot of stay-at-home mothers find these talk shows an interesting way to relate to other women, and to understand how other people deal with their problems.

If you walk in any bookstore, you will find shelves upon shelves devoted to giving advice for women on almost any topic. Some of these books are in the “self-help” section, which range in psychological studies of love and relationships to balancing raising a child with a full-time job. Many authors of these books are professional clinicians or psychologists, or regular women who feel it is their duty to give advice for women going through similar experiences.

For those women who do not have a lot of spare time after juggling their jobs and their family, the Internet is a viable source of information and advice for women. Health and cultural issues abound, and there are interactive online discussion rooms and notice boards that allow women to ask questions and receive answers directly. Women can also subscribe to online newsletters, that can be sent daily, weekly or monthly that give advice for women on a wide selection of different topics.

All of these options are at a woman’s disposal if she is seeking answers for certain questions or problems that she has.

But is the women (teenager, pre-teen etc.) getting the best information or the proper guidance she should be getting from all of the above sources?  My answer is not fully, and the guidance is most likely slanted, especially in the advertisers direction.

Best Advice:

Friends and family are still probably the best and most popular source of advice for women that exist.  Though friends and family may not always retain the most objective view, they often have a great understanding about the situation and can sympathize with what you are going through. They often can relate their own personal experiences too, that enables a woman to analyze the various consequences of certain choices that are made.

Women groups are also another top recommendation because you get unbiased opinions of large groups of women who might of went through exactly what you are going through who will give you strait up honest answers.

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