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How do you get Stretch Marks

Most people automatically assume that you can only get those unsitely stretch marks if you are pregnant. Although many women who are expecting a baby do find themselves having to deal with these unwanted marks, they can be found on anyone at any time.

The main reason that these marks appear is because the skin has to expand at a fast rate. Young women who are just developing can experience stretch marks on their arms and even on their neck. Children can grow at a fast rate during a growth spurt and if the skin is expected to stretch in a short period of time the individual can get stretch marks.

Lifting weights is a great way for adult men to stay in shape. The weights help to tone and develop muscles in the chest or back. However a man can get stretch marks in these areas if he’s not careful. The skin might not be as elastic as it needs to be and with the added bulk of the expanding muscle, he will soon get stretch marks.

One of the most common areas for both sexes to see these unsightly marks is on the back of the thighs. The problem when you get stretch marks in this area is that you may not be initially aware of it. Not many of us regularly check our backsides in a mirror and if you are a woman wearing a mini-skirt or a man wearing shorts you may not realize that you are showing off your stretch marks.

There are several different approaches to treat these marks. Many people claim that the best thing a person can do when they get stretch marks is to use a cream specifically made to help them fade. There are several different creams on the market that claim to do this. They are formulated to help the dark pinkness of the marks fade into skin color.

Arguably the best approach for treating this skin condition is prevention. For pregnant women who are worried that they may get stretch marks they can do a few things to help avoid them or at the very least to make them less noticeable. The first thing is to watch their weight. Pregnant women often consider their condition to be an excuse to eat whatever they please. Although it’s certainly true that they need to increase their intake of essential nutrients, they shouldn’t be eating sugar filled snacks at whim.

Using a skin cream that is rich in Vitamin A has also been proven to help. The cream aids the elasticity of the skin and keeps it moisturized which can help to stop the formation of stretch marks.

Advice to pregnant woman: it is best advised to ask your physician for a recommendation on the brand of skin care to choose if are concerned about stretch marks. You want to be be sure that the creme is safe to your baby.

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