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What are the causes of hair loss in women

What are the causes of hair loss in women and can anything be done about it once it starts?  This has been one of my personal nightmares ever since I started dating.  Let's look at this more closely.

For a woman one of the most stressful things that can happen is hair loss. Many women associate their hair with their beauty and if it starts to thin, they can feel much less attractive. Hair loss can occur at any age but the key to dealing with hair loss is finding out what is causing it to happen.

Many women feel embarrassed when they begin to realize that they are losing hair. They may try to hide the fact by purchasing body building hair care products or wearing hats or scarves. Ignoring the problem will certainly never be a good treatment option. Researching the causes of hair loss in women and determining what is behind your thinning hair is the first step to curing the problem.

Age can be a contributing factor when it comes to thinning hair. As women age their body chemistry changes and the result can be one of the causes of hair loss in women.  It’s not at all uncommon for a woman approaching menopause to notice a few extra hairs on her pillow in the morning.

The way to treat this is to consult with your doctor about hormone replacements. By balancing the hormones in the body, the hair loss may slow down or stop altogether. When hormones or lack thereof are the causes of hair loss in women, it can usually be treated.

Just as maturing women suffer from thinning hair, younger women can as well. Pregnancy is another of the causes of hair loss in women. In this case the hair loss is a temporary problem and will rectify itself after the birth of the baby. Many women actually claim that they have healthier hair after giving birth than they did before becoming pregnant.

It’s hard to find a woman alive today who isn’t dealing with some level of stress in her life. When you combine raising children with work there is bound to be some degree of stress present. This stress can also be one of the causes of hair loss in women. Women who worry more tend to lose more hair. It’s easy to suggest that a woman who is experiencing hair loss try and decompress, but that can be difficult to do. Perhaps involving other family members by asking for help with the children or simplifying work can lead to a healthier head of hair.

Hereditary can also have a hand in your hair. If you are a woman whose mother lost her hair at a young age you may be facing the same problem. Genes are one of the common causes of hair loss in women and unfortunately there isn’t a great deal that can be done about that.

Although it can be an uncomfortable problem there are many new and effective treatments for women who are experiencing thinning of their hair. Once you understand all of the possible causes of hair loss in women you can begin to treat the problem and hopefully solve it.

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