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A pretty woman for the day

Every girl wants to be a pretty woman and I'm sure no different.  I want to share my experience with all you girls because I still get flattered every time I think of it.  Which is quit often I might add.  Read on...

Recently I went with my husband to a conference. During the day while he was in meetings I went shopping and site seeing and in the late afternoons and evenings we would go exploring together. One afternoon while I was waiting for his meeting to get over I sat at a small table in a side walk café and watched people go by. I love to people watch and I had the added entertainment of listening to the two men that were sitting at another table. They were making comments to each other as each person walked by. They were also taking side bets each time a pretty woman walked by as to which one of them could engage her in the longest conversation.

At first I thought this was idle talk on their part until I noticed that they were writing down the bets as well as the descriptions of the women. They were waiting to have a pretty woman sit at one of the tables. I was sitting on the other side of a potted plant from the men with my back to them so they were not paying any attention to me. I wanted to watch them in action without appearing too obvious that I was eaves dropping. I decided I could best do this by going to the restroom and returning to my table. I ordered another cup of coffee and went to use the restroom. When I returned I noticed that the two men were now seated at two separate tables. They were still close enough to each other to talk, but they looked like they were alone. I sat in a different chair so I could watch them at work. To my surprise one of the men came over and asked me what time it was. I told him the time and he then asked if I was visiting the area. I realized that I was the target of one of their bets. I told the gentleman that I had heard him make a bet with the other man and for half the money I would ignore the other man when he approached me. He started laughing and told me it was a deal. He sat for a few minutes and discussed the weather than returned to his table. A few minutes later the other gentleman came to my table and asked for the time. I told him the time and then picked up my book and started to read. When he asked me another questions I asked him to excuse me, but I wanted to read my book. The other man started laughing at the crushed look on his friends face. He told him our deal and he handed me fifty dollars. I had no idea the bet was for a hundred dollars. They told me that they pick a pretty woman and try to engage her in a conversation. I thanked them for thinking that I was a pretty woman. I gave the man his fifty dollars back and told him he could pay for my coffee instead. I walked away feeling very good that the two strangers thought I was a pretty woman.

I think of this on the days whenever I don't feel very pretty; which seems to be more and more frequent.  It somehow has a miraculous way of changing me into Cinderella

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