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Do you have bags under your eyes

I really hate asking you this question girls but do you have bags under your eyes or dark circles under your eyes?

I have dealt with this problem for years and have never been able to completely get rid of it. I have olive skin and the area underneath my eyes is always dark. It makes me look ill or tired all the time. If you have bags under your eyes like I do, you may be happy to hear that I have found a few ways to lessen their horrible appearance.

Of course, the number one way to combat bags under your eyes is to get a good night's sleep. I am sure you have heard this a million times like I have. If you are like me, then you lead a very busy life and can't always get a decent amount of sleep. So let's look at some alternatives that may be a bit more practical when it comes to working on those bags under your eyes.

Do you have dark circles under eyes?  Go to
Here's one that works wonders for me and I feel is the best and most overlooked piece of advice.  Drink a lot of water. Drinking your eight glasses a day does a world of good for your entire body but will also help your skin flush out impurities and other nasty stuff which will help alleviate some of the dark shade of the bags under your eyes. Another good way to help your skin look healthier and more refreshed is to get a bit of exercise every day. I have found that a short workout of twenty minutes or so, just enough to get my heart rate up and the sweat running, does magic for my skin. It leaves me looking more rested than I would otherwise and the sweat helps clean out pores and leaves my skin softer.

If these tips don't help with the bags under your eyes, it may be time for you to make friends with concealer. Much more effective than foundations, concealers tend to be thicker and dry more quickly. You should look for a shade that is a bit lighter than your natural skin tone. This will help cover up those bags under your eyes and make your eyes look more refreshed. I use a layer of light concealer and then follow that with a very thin layer of foundation.

If you use shades of makeup that are lighter than your skin is naturally and only around your eyes or directly over the bags under your eyes, the makeup will not only cover up your problem area, but will also create an illusion of lighter skin.

Be sure to use concealer! In my experience, it does not wear off as quickly as foundation will. Concealer also comes in smaller containers than foundation so you can hide it in your purse or pocket and reapply whenever you need to.

Hope this helps all you beautifull women!

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